Wehawkers girls can give out flyers promoting your business and brand.


We will provide 1 female , and have her  give out flyers or business  cards promoting  your business or brand for 8 hours, plus have her ask people to follow your social media page in person which can be Instagram, Facebook, tiktok, Twitter etc. She can also  have them subcribe to your YouTube channel, or register to your companies website on the spot.

Each time that a person follows or register, she will always ask the customer to mentioned her name or the wehawkers  name as the source that guided them to your platform. This is for proof of our services.

This service fee will only cover the promotion, but not the manufacturing of cards or flyers. You must order the cards or flyers separately.  You can order the flyers or cards from wehawkers website, or by another company and ship to us.

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Our wehawkers girls can give out flyers promoting your business or brand.

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